Tuesday May 12, 2020
Episode 056 - Tilly Edinger | Paleoneurologist
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Alternate Title: A HEAD of her time
Emlyn tells Emma about Dr. Tilly Edinger, who combined paleontology and neurology to found the field of paleoneurology. She used endocasts of brains of extant and extinct animals to answer questions about brain evolution, provide crucial evidence for cladogenesis, and assess the behavior of extinct animals.
Learn more about us and other women in science at our website www.stemfatalepodcast.com
Main Story
- Wilson, Laura. “Tilly Edinger.” Trowelblazers. https://trowelblazers.com/tilly-edinger/
- Buchholtz, Emily A. and Ernst-August Seyfarth. “The Study of “Fossil Brains”: Tilly Edinger (1897–1967) and the Beginnings of Paleoneurology”, BioScience, Volume 51, Issue 8, 2001. https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/51/8/674/220658
- Buchholtz, Emily A. and Ernst-August Seyfarth. “The gospel of the fossil brain: Tilly Edinger and the science of paleoneurology”, Brain Research Bulletin, Volume 48, No 4, 1999. http://academics.wellesley.edu/Biology/Faculty/Emily/BRB48(4).pdf
- Wikipedia Article, “Tilly Edinger.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilly_Edinger
- McNeill, Leila.“The woman who shaped the study of fossil brains,” Smithsonian Magazine, March 1, 2018. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/woman-who-shaped-study-fossil-brains-180968254/
Women who Work
- Brumfield, Ben. “People Think Robots Are Pretty Incompetent and Not Funny, New Study Says.” Georgia Institute of Technology. May, 2020.
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
“Work” by Rihanna
Cover Image
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Alternate Title: Whoop! (There It Isn't)
Emma tells Emlyn about the scientists that created the first widely used vaccine for whooping cough (pertussis): Dr. Pearl Kendrick, Dr. Grace Eldering, and Loney Clinton Gordon.
Learn more about us and other women in science at our website www.stemfatalepodcast.com
Main Story
- Shapiro-Shapin, Carolyn G. “‘A Whole Community Working Together’: Pearl Kendrick, Grace Eldering, and the Grand Rapids Pertussis Trials, 1932-1939.” Michigan Historical Review, vol. 33, no. 1, 2007, pp. 59–85. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/20174193.
- Killian, Eryn. “The Trailblazer.” University of Michigan Bentley Historical Library. https://bentley.umich.edu/features/the-trailblazer/
- Shift7 for Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls. “Pearl Kendrick, Grace Eldering, and Loney Clinton Gordon developed the whooping cough and single dose DTP vaccines” https://amysmartgirls.com/20for2020-pearl-kendrick-grace-eldering-and-loney-clinton-gordon-developed-the-pertussis-and-c035f2858d6
- CDC pages on Pertussis/Whooping Cough. https://www.cdc.gov/pertussis/index.html
- Finding aid for the Michigan women and the whooping cough vaccine collection. Collection 328. The Pearl Kendrick and Grace Eldering papers, Katherine Chase scrapbook and other sources Finding aid prepared by Jill Bannink. This finding aid was produced using the Archivists' Toolkit May 24, 2013. Describing Archives: A Content Standard. https://www.grpl.org/uploads/grhsc/328.pdf
- Shapiro-Shapin, Carolyn G. “Pearl Kendrick, Grace Eldering, and the Pertussis Vaccine.” Emerging Infectious Diseases. www.cdc.gov/eid. Vol. 16, No. 8. August 2010. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9198/ba161ce6ecbb2c6816e10cc7e4ef28625048.pdf?_ga=2.142500848.35409263.1587737011-1375607549.1587737011
- Santa Fe Institute News. “Study: Is the whooping cough resurgence due to vaccinated people not knowing they’re infectious?” 2015. https://www.santafe.edu/news-center/news/althouse-scarpino-whooping-cough-asymptomatic
- Marks, Harry M. “The Kendrick-Eldering-(Frost) pertussis vaccine field trial.” Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. vol. 100,5 (2007): 242-7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1861415/
Women who Work
- Guardian Article about the success of female leaders in containing covid-19: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/25/why-do-female-leaders-seem-to-be-more-successful-at-managing-the-coronavirus-crisis
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
“Work” by Rihanna
Cover Image
Lt: Pearl Kendrick (Image courtesy of U-M Library Digital Collections. Bentley Image Bank, Bentley Historical Library). Center: Grace Eldering (Image via Grand Rapids History and Special Collections (GRHSC), Archives, Grand Rapids Public Library, Grand Rapids, Michigan) Rt: Loney Clinton Gordon (image via Michigan Women Forward).
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Episode 054 - Alice Hamilton | Industrial Toxicologist & Doctor
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Alternate Title: Duke of Occupational Hazards
Emlyn tells Emma about Dr. Alice Hamilton, a scientist, doctor, public health expert, and pioneer in the fields of industrial toxicology and occupational health.
Learn more about us and other women in science at our website www.stemfatalepodcast.com
Main Story - Alice Hamilton
- “Pandemics Come and Go But Medical Masks are Eternal” by Virginia Postrel, Bloomberg Opinion. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-04-10/medical-face-masks-an-illustrated-history
- “Celebrating the life of Alice Hamilton, founding mother of occupational medicine” by Dr. Howard Markel, PBS. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/celebrating-life-alice-hamilton-founding-mother-occupational-medicine
- “Lead, TNT, and Rayon: Dr. Alice Hamilton’s Battle Against Industrial Poisons” by Dale Debakcsy, Women You Should Know. https://womenyoushouldknow.net/alice-hamiltons-battle-against-industrial-poisons/
- Wikipedia article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Hamilton
Women who Work
Shoutout to Katelyn Allers and her team for devising a new method for measuring wind speeds on brown dwarfs!
- NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "In a first, NASA measures wind speed on a brown dwarf." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 9 April 2020. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200409142409.htm>
- Finley, Dave. “Astronomers Measure Wind Speed on a Brown Dwarf.” National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 9 April 2020. https://public.nrao.edu/news/brown-dwarf-wind-speed/
- CalTech’s Cool Cosmos page on Brown Dwarfs (for background info): http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/cosmic_classroom/cosmic_reference/brown_dwarfs.html
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
“Work” by Rihanna
Cover Image
Photo courtesy of NIH https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Alice_Hamilton#/media/File:Alice_Hamilton.jpg
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Episode 053 - Rebecca Lee Crumpler | Doctor
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Alternate Title: A Podcast of Medical Discourses
Emma tells Emlyn about Rebecca Lee Crumpler, who became the first female African American doctor during the American Civil War, and who later treated thousands of freed slaves, along with many others, after the war had ended.
Main Story - Rebecca Lee Crumpler
- Markel, Howard. "Celebrating Rebecca Lee Crumpler, first African-American woman physician." PBS News Hour. 2016. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/celebrating-rebecca-lee-crumpler-first-african-american-physician
- Pfatteicher, S. "Crumpler, Rebecca Davis Lee (1831-1895), physician." American National Biography. 2000. https://www.anb.org/view/10.1093/anb/9780198606697.001.0001/anb-9780198606697-e-1201058.
- Friend of Hyde Park Branch Library Blog. "Rebecca Lee’s Medical Training." 2020. https://hplibraryfriends.wordpress.com/2020/03/01/rebecca-lees-medical-training/
- Cazalet, Sylvain. "New England Female Medical College & New England Hospital for Women and Children." 2001. http://www.homeoint.org/cazalet/histo/newengland.htm
- Neal, Anthony W. "Dr. Crumpler: Nation’s first African American woman physician." 2012. https://www.baystatebanner.com/2012/09/05/dr-crumpler-nations-first-african-american-woman-physician/
Women who Work
Shoutout to Rebecca Lakin and team for their paper on the reproduction across Crocodylia!
- University of Bath. "Crocs' better parenting skills could make them more resilient to climate change." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 11 March 2020. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/03/200311112008.htm.
- Lakin, R. J., Barrett, P. M., Stevenson, C., Thomas, R. J. & Willis, M. A. First evidence for a latitudinal body mass effect in extant Crocodylia and the relationships of their reproductive characters. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. doi:10.1093/biolinnean/blz208/5713003
Shoutout to Otlet and co-founder, Madeline Green, for their work starting a match-making system between graduate students in need of data and PIs with datasets that need to be analyzed.
- Goodle Forms: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdl32ju3IifAETih1F116fdqygS-WGVOI_7NVBhKTg7m6P6ZQ/viewform
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
“Work” by Rihanna
Cover Image
There are no known pictures of Rebecca Lee Crumpler, thus our cover image is from her book, available to the public through the NIH:
Learn more about us and other women in science at our website www.stemfatalepodcast.com
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Episode 052 - Clara Barton | Nurse
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Alternate Title: The Angel of the Battlefield
Emlyn tells Emma about Clara Barton, the self-taught nurse who cared for thousands of wounded soldiers and founded the American Red Cross.
Also check out our website and merch store: www.stemfatalepodcast.com
Main Story - Clara Barton
- Clara Barton Wikipedia Page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clara_Barton
- Sawbones podcast, Episode 3 (Bloodletting) Transcript https://maximumfun.org/transcripts/sawbones/transcript-sawbones-bloodletting/
- “Founder Clara Barton” by the Red Cross. https://www.redcross.org/content/dam/redcross/enterprise-assets/about-us/history/history-clara-barton-v5.pdf
- “The founder of the Red Cross faced down sexism her whole life” by Gillian Brockell, Washington Post Article. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/05/06/union-doctors-demanded-male-nurses-during-civil-war-clara-barton-defied-them/
Women who Work
- Wolters Kluwer Health. "COVID-19 appears less severe in children, Says Review in Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal." March, 2020. http://home.lww.com/news.entry.html/2020/03/13/covid-19_appearsles-YgCo.html
- University of California - Berkeley. "Coronavirus outbreak raises question: Why are bat viruses so deadly? Bats' fierce immune systems drive viruses to higher virulence, making them deadlier in humans. February, 2020. https://news.berkeley.edu/2020/02/10/coronavirus-outbreak-raises-question-why-are-bat-viruses-so-deadly/
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
“Work” by Rihanna
Cover Image
Mathew Brady
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Short Stories 3 - June Almeida | Virologist
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Alternate Title: The Virus Photographer
Emma flies solo again this week with a short story about the amazing woman who determined how to image and identify viruses like the coronaviruses, hepatitis B, HIV, rubella, and more!
Website: https://www.stemfatalepodcast.com/
Main Story - June Almeida
- Almeida J. (2008). June Almeida (née Hart). BMJ : British Medical Journal, 336 (7659), 1511. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.a434
- Booss, J., MD and August, M.J., PhD (2014). Imaging Viruses and Tagging Their Antigens. In To Catch a Virus (eds J. Booss and M.J. August). doi:10.1128/9781555818586.ch7
- Goldsmith, C. S., & Miller, S. E. (2009). Modern uses of electron microscopy for detection of viruses. Clinical microbiology reviews, 22(4), 552–563. https://doi.org/10.1128/CMR.00027-09
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
From Joyce Almeida, in Booss, J., MD and August, M.J., PhD (2014). Imaging Viruses and Tagging Their Antigens. In To Catch a Virus (eds J. Booss and M.J. August). doi:10.1128/9781555818586.ch7
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Short Stories 2 -Anita Hoffmann | Acarologist
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Alternate Title: Tucked in Ticks
Emma flies solo this week with a short story about the prolific Mexican acarologist, Anita Hoffmann.
Website: https://www.stemfatalepodcast.com/
Main Story - Anita Hoffmann
- Ortiz, Tila Maria Perez. "Ana Hoffmann Mendizabal." UNAM. 2007. http://www.100.unam.mx/pdf/ana-hoffmann-mendizabal.pdf
- Garza, CDE & AAM, Ochoa. Dra. Ana Esther Hoffmann Mendizábal. Artrópodos y Salud. Ene.-Jun., 2016. Vol. 3 No. 1. http://artropodosysalud.com/Publicaciones/No5-Abr2016/2Monografia.pdf
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Episode 051 - Marie Curie | Chemist and Physicist (Part 2)
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Alternate Title: Curie-ous Elements Part 2
Emma and Emma jointly tell each other about the two-time Nobel Prize winner in both Chemistry and Physics, Dr. Marie Curie! This is part two of our two-part episode!
Website: https://www.stemfatalepodcast.com/
Main Story - Marie Curie
- Pasachoff, N. E. Marie Curie and the science of radioactivity. New York: Oxford University Press. 1996. https://books.google.com/books?id=mVCTHbdstdQC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_atb#v=onepage&q&f=false
- NIST.gov. “Marie Curie and the NBS Radium Standards. 1913: The US Curie Standard.” 2009. https://www.nist.gov/pml/marie-curie-and-nbs-radium-standards/1913-us-curie-standard
- American Institute of Physics and Naomi Pasachoff. “Marie Curie and the Science of Radioactivity.” 2004. https://history.aip.org/history/exhibits/curie/sitemap.htm
- Des Jardins, Julie. “Madame Curie’s Passion.” Smithsonian Magazine. 2011. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/madame-curies-passion-74183598/
- Froman, Nanny. “Marie and Pierre Curie and the discovery of polonium and radium.” NobelPrize.org. Nobel Media AB 2020. 1996. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/themes/marie-and-pierre-curie-and-the-discovery-of-polonium-and-radium
- American Institute of Physics. “Marie Curie and the Science of Radioactivity.” https://history.aip.org/history/exhibits/curie/stud1.htm
- Tasch, Barbara. “Marie Curie's Belongings Will Be Radioactive For Another 1,500 Years.” Business Insider. 2015. https://www.sciencealert.com/these-personal-effects-of-marie-curie-will-be-radioactive-for-another-1-500-years
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Episode 050 - Marie Curie | Chemist and Physicist (Part 1)
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Alternate Title: Curie-ous Elements Part 1
For the 50th episode, Emma and Emma jointly tell each other about the two-time Nobel Prize winner in both Chemistry and Physics, Dr. Marie Curie! This is part one of a two-part episode!
Website: https://www.stemfatalepodcast.com/
Main Story - Marie Curie
- Pasachoff, N. E. Marie Curie and the science of radioactivity. New York: Oxford University Press. 1996. https://books.google.com/books?id=mVCTHbdstdQC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_atb#v=onepage&q&f=false
- NIST.gov. “Marie Curie and the NBS Radium Standards. 1913: The US Curie Standard.” 2009. https://www.nist.gov/pml/marie-curie-and-nbs-radium-standards/1913-us-curie-standard
- American Institute of Physics and Naomi Pasachoff. “Marie Curie and the Science of Radioactivity.” 2004. https://history.aip.org/history/exhibits/curie/sitemap.htm
- Des Jardins, Julie. “Madame Curie’s Passion.” Smithsonian Magazine. 2011. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/madame-curies-passion-74183598/
- Froman, Nanny. “Marie and Pierre Curie and the discovery of polonium and radium.” NobelPrize.org. Nobel Media AB 2020. 1996. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/themes/marie-and-pierre-curie-and-the-discovery-of-polonium-and-radium
- American Institute of Physics. “Marie Curie and the Science of Radioactivity.” https://history.aip.org/history/exhibits/curie/stud1.htm
- Tasch, Barbara. “Marie Curie's Belongings Will Be Radioactive For Another 1,500 Years.” Business Insider. 2015. https://www.sciencealert.com/these-personal-effects-of-marie-curie-will-be-radioactive-for-another-1-500-years
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Episode 049 - 24 Women of STEM-mas Trivia #2
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Come play with us! Emma and Emlyn quiz each other about the 24 women of STEM-mas we have covered in our podcast this year! How many questions can you answer??
Merch: http://www.stemfatalepodcast.com/merch
Promo: The Psyched Podcast (@pyschedpodcast1)
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Episode 048 - Beatrix Potter | Mycologist and Writer
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Alternate Title: Flopsy, Mopsy, and Fungi
Emma tells Emlyn about the mycologist and famous children's book writer, Beatrix Potter, and Emlyn tells Emma about an eight-year-old girl from Mexico whose IQ rivals Einstein!
New website and merch store: www.stemfatalepodcast.com
Main Story - Beatrix Potter
- Lear, Linda. Beatrix Potter: A Life in Nature. 2008. https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780312369347/page/130
- Gardiner, B.G. “Beatrix Potter’s fossils and her interest in geology.” 2010. https://web.archive.org/web/20101126154132/http://linnean.org/fileadmin/images/Beatrix_Potter/BPotter_fossils.pdf
- Debakcsy, Dale. “Mushrooms, Fossils, And A Pen To Draw Them With: Beatrix Potter, Naturalist.” 2019. https://womenyoushouldknow.net/beatrix-potter-naturalist/
- “The Scientific Tale of Author Beatrix Potter.” Science Friday. 2016. https://www.sciencefriday.com/segments/the-scientific-tale-of-author-beatrix-potter/
- Fleming, Nic. “Beatrix Potter: Pioneering Scientist or Passionate Amateur?” BBC. 2016. http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20160215-beatrix-potter-pioneering-scientist-or-passionate-amateur
- Gristwood, Sarah. The Story of Beatrix Potter. 2016. https://books.google.ca/books?id=EvQcDQAAQBAJ&pg=PT99#v=onepage&q&f=false
Women who Werk - Adhara Perez
- “8-Year-Old Mexican Girl, Who Was Bullied and Labeled 'Weird,' Has Higher IQ Than Einstein: Report” by Benjamin VanHoose. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/8-old-mexican-girl-bullied-182500208.html
- “Ella es Adhara Pérez: la niña mexicana que tiene (casi) el mismo IQ que Albert Einstein” by Karina Gonzalez Ulloa. https://www.vogue.mx/estilo-de-vida/articulo/adhara-perez-sanchez-nina-mexicana-prodigio-quien-es
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
“Work” by Rihanna
Cover Image
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Holiday Merch and Delayed Episode!
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019
First! We have a new website and some holiday merchandise (www.stemfatalepodcast.com/merch) based on our listener survey! We’re selling high-quality color sticker packs of some our favorite portraits by Caitlin Friesen, covering many different disciplines such as Eugenie Clark, badass shark lady, and Annie Easley, NASA Rocket Scientist! We are super pumped about these stickers and getting to spread more awareness of these ladies. Any proceeds from this merch will go towards making the podcast affordable for us to run, that means costs of equipment, hosting site, website. These would be a great stocking stuffer, Hanukkah gift, or just because! To keep these affordable and high quality, we are buying the stickers directly, so please don’t wait as we only ordered a limited number!!
The second announcement is that we couldn’t get it together in time and so our episode will be coming out sometime on Tuesday! Sorry, its been crazy!
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Episode 047 - Marjory Stoneman Douglas | Conservationist
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Alternate Title: Forever Glades
Emlyn tells Emma about the "grande dame of the everglades", conservationist and writer, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, and Emma tells Emlyn about the Broadcom MASTERS middle-school competition winners!
Main Story - Marjory Stoneman Douglas
- https://www.womenofthehall.org/inductee/marjory-stoneman-douglas/
- https://www.nwf.org/en/Magazines/National-Wildlife/2000/Conservation-Hall-of-Fame-Marjory-Stoneman-Douglas
- http://scholar.library.miami.edu/msdouglas/river_of_grass.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjory_Stoneman_Douglas
Women who Werk
- Perkins, Sid. “Teen auto-safety researcher nabs $25,000 science fair prize.” Science News for Students. 2019. https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/blog/eureka-lab/MASTERS-2019-teen-auto-safety-researcher-nabs-25000-broadcom-masters-prize
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
“Work” by Rihanna
Cover Image
Photo by Kevin Fleming for Corbis via Getty Images
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Episode 046 - Yamei Kin | Doctor
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Alternate Title: Like Brains and Sweetbreads
Emma tells Emlyn about the Chinese doctor who merged eastern and western medicine and brought soy to the US, Yamei Kin, and Emlyn tells Emma about new research unraveling the long-term effects of measles.
Main Story - Yamei Kin
- Biography of Yamei Kin M.D. (1864-1934), (Also Known as Jin Yunmei), the First Chinese Woman to Take a Medical Degree in the United States (1864-2016), 2nd Ed., With McCartee Family Genealogy and Knight Family Genealogy. By William Shurtleff, Akiko Aoyag. http://www.soyinfocenter.com/books/192
- Ives, Mike. Overlooked No More: Yamei Kin, the Chinese Doctor Who Introduced Tofu to the West. The New York Times. 2018. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/17/obituaries/yamei-kin-overlooked.html
- Roth, Matthew. The Chinese-Born Doctor Who Brought Tofu to America. Smithsonian Magazine. 2018. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/chinese-born-doctor-who-brought-tofu-america-180969977/
Women who Werk
- “New details on immune system ‘amnesia’ show how measles causes long-term damage” by Laura Sanders https://www.sciencenews.org/article/new-details-measles-immune-system-amnesia-long-term-damage
- V.N. Petrova et al. Incomplete genetic reconstitution of B cell pools contributes to prolonged immunosuppression after measles. Science Immunology. Vol. 4, November 1, 2019. https://immunology.sciencemag.org/content/4/41/eaay6125
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
“Work” by Rihanna
Cover Image
Science History Images/Alamy
Psyched Podcast (http://thepsychedpodcast.com/)
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Episode 045 - Mary the Jewess | Alchemist
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Alternate Title: Double Double Boiler and Trouble
Emlyn tells Emma about the first Alchemist of the western world, Mary the Jewess, and Emma tells Emlyn about the first all-female space walk!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Mary the Jewess
- “Mary the Jewess, First Known Alchemist” by Jone Johnson Lewis. https://www.thoughtco.com/mary-the-jewess-biography-3530346
- “Mary the Jewess, An Inventor of Alchemy”, National Library of Israel. https://web.nli.org.il/sites/nli/english/library/reading_corner/pages/maria_the_jewess.aspx
- “Alchemy May Not Have Been the Pseudo-science We All Thought It was” by Richard Conniff. Smithsonian Magazine. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/alchemy-may-not-been-pseudoscience-we-thought-it-was-180949430/
- “Mary the Jewess” by John H. Lienhard, Engines of Our Ingenuity. https://www.uh.edu/engines/epi964.htm
- “Mary the Jewess”, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_the_Jewess
Women who Werk
- Zraick, Karen. “NASA Astronauts Complete the First All-Female Spacewalk.” New York Times. 2019. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/18/science/space/nasa-female-spacewalk.html
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
“Work” by Rihanna
“Double Trouble” by John Williams (Harry Potter - Prisoner of Azkaban soundtrack)
Cover Image
Engraving depicting Maria Prophetissima from Michael Maier's book Symbola Aurea Mensae Duodecim Nationum (1617).
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Episode 044 - Beatrice 'Tilly' Shilling | Aeronautical Engineer
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Alternate Title: Tilly the Tool Woman Shilling
Emma tells Emlyn about the British aeronautical engineer and amateur racing driver, Beatrice 'Tilly' Shilling, and Emlyn tells Emma about climate activists Autumn Peltier, Xiye Bastida, and Mari Copeny!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Beatrice “Tilly” Shilling
- “Magnificent Women: Beatrice Shilling.” Women in Engineering Society. https://www.wes.org.uk/sites/default/files/u82/Magnificent%20Women%20-%20Beatrice%20Shilling.pdf
- Wynarczyk, Pooran and Jaffe, Deborah. Innovative Women: Illuminating Achievement and Success. Paper presented at 9th International Triple Helix Conference. 2011. https://www.leydesdorff.net/th9/Innovative%20WomenFINAL15JUNE2011N.pdf
- Price, Alfred. The Spitfire Story: Second edition. London: Arms and Armour Press Ltd., 1986.
- “Beatrice Shilling – Engineer and Battle of Britain heroine.” The University of Manchester. 2015. https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover/news/beatrice-shilling--engineer-and-battle-of-britain-heroine/
- Ferriera, Becky. “How Thrill-Seeking Gearhead Beatrice Shilling Helped Win World War II.” Motherboard. 2017. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/z4k455/beatrice-shilling-women-stem-international-womens-day
- “Beatrice Shilling: Pioneering engineer's genius 'helped win World War Two’.” BBC.com. 2017. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-40267364
- Morris, Carol. “Beatrice Shilling (1909-1990).” OpenLearn. 2018. https://www.open.edu/openlearn/science-maths-technology/engineering-technology/beatrice-shilling-1909-1990
- Blake-Coleman, Barry. “The Fabulous 'Tilly' Shilling!” http://www.inventricity.com/tilly-shilling
- “The Life and Work of Beatrice ‘Tilly’ Shilling OBE PhD MSc CEng” an illustrated talk by Frankie Webb. 2019. https://thefarnboroughsociety.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Beatrice-Shilling-Talk.pdf
Women who Werk
This week we highlight young women climate activists!
Autumn Peltier:
Xiye Bastida:
- https://www.eomega.org/workshops/teachers/xiye-bastida
- https://www.pbs.org/wnet/peril-and-promise/2019/09/meet-xiye-bastida-americas-greta-thunberg/
Mari Copeny:
- https://shortyawards.com/11th/littlemissflint
- https://www.oprahmag.com/life/a25383285/mari-copeny-barack-obama-flint-water-crisis/
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
Norton Vintage
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Episode 043 - Katia Krafft | Volcanologist
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Alternate Title: The Volcano Devils
Emlyn tells Emma about the volcanologist who documented over 175 erupting volcanoes, Katia Krafft, and Emma tells Emlyn about the history of the history of women in science (so meta)!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Katia Krafft
- “Maurice and Katia Kraft” Auckland War Memorial Museum. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5CAyaRIW8s
- “Fire in the Earth, Fire in the Soul: The final moments of Maurice and Katia KRafft” Interdisciplinary studies in literature and environment 4.2 (1997): 71-77.
- P.B.S. Nature: "The Volcano Watchers" 60 minute VHS tape [PBS 103] WNET THirteen Copyright 1987, ISBN 1-56111-504-5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UZxCGxBu8A
- “Into the Inferno” by Werner Herzog (On Netflix)
- “Katia Krafft” on Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katia_Krafft
Women who Werk
Dominus, Susan. “Women Scientists Were Written Out of History. It’s Margaret Rossiter’s Lifelong Mission to Fix That.” Smithsonian Magazine. September 2019.https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/unheralded-women-scientists-finally-getting-their-due-180973082/
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
Wikipedia Commons
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Episode 042 -Ynes Mexia | Botanist
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Alternate Title: The Late Bloomer
Emma tells Emlyn about Ynes Mexia, the late-blooming botanist that collected over 150,000 plants during her short career, and Emlyn tells Emma about a new climate change podcast, the Warm Regards Podcast!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Ynes Mexia
- Siber, Kate. “How Finding Rare Plants Saved Ynes Mexia’s Life.” 2019. Outside Online. https://www.outsideonline.com/2390204/ynes-mexia-plant-collector
- Marks, Gabriela S. “Meet Ynes Mexia, late-blooming botanist whose adventures rival Darwin’s.” 2018. Massive Science. https://massivesci.com/articles/ynes-mexia-our-heroes/
- Radcliffe, Jane. “Ynes Mexia (1870-1938).” California Academy of Sciences. http://researcharchive.calacademy.org/research/library/special/bios/Mexia.pdf
- "Mexia, Ynes (1870–1938)." Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia. . Encyclopedia.com. (September 8, 2019). https://www.encyclopedia.com/women/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/mexia-ynes-1870-1938
- Carter, Annetta. Interview of N. Floy Brocelin. "The Ynés Mexía botanical collections : oral history transcript / 1983." https://archive.org/stream/ynsmexabotan00bracrich/ynsmexabotan00bracrich_djvu.txt
- Kiernan, Elizabeth. “Late Bloomer: The Short, Prolific Career of Ynes Mexia.” 2015. NYBG. https://www.nybg.org/blogs/science-talk/2015/02/late-bloomer-the-short-prolific-career-of-ynes-mexia/
- Shor, E. (2000, February). Mexia, Ynes Enriquetta Julietta (1870-1938), botanical collector. American National Biography. https://www.anb.org/view/10.1093/anb/9780198606697.001.0001/anb-9780198606697-e-1302002
Women who Werk
- Warm Regards Podcast - https://slate.com/technology/2016/06/introducing-warm-regards-a-new-climate-change-podcast.html
- https://soundcloud.com/warmregardspodcast/the-dangers-of-doing-science-in-the-field
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
California Academy of Sciences
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Episode 041 - Margaret Dayhoff | Bioinformatician
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Alternate Title: Proteins: Gotta Catch 'Em All!
Emlyn tells Emma about the founder of bioinformatics and modern sequence databases, Dr. Margaret Dayhoff, and Emma tells Emlyn about the winners of the Science Fiction Hugo Awards!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Dr. Margaret Dayhoff
- “How Margaret Dayhoff brought Modern Computing to Biology” by Leila McNeill. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/how-margaret-dayhoff-helped-bring-computing-scientific-research-180971904/
- Wikipedia page on Margaret Dayhoff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Oakley_Dayhoff
- Professor Margaret Dayhoff: https://www.whatisbiotechnology.org/index.php/people/summary/Dayhoff
Women who Werk
- Gartenberg, Chaim. “Women swept through the Hugo awards -- again.” The Verge 2019. https://www.theverge.com/2019/8/19/20812571/hugo-award-2019-winners-worldcon-mary-robinette-kowal-best-novel-into-the-spider-verse
- More info: http://www.thehugoawards.org/
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
By Ruth Dayhoff
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Episode 040 - Mildred Dresselhaus | Physicist & Electrical Engineer
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Alternate Title: The Queen of Carbon
Emma tells Emlyn about the physicist and electrical engineer, Dr. Mildred Dresselhaus, who studied all things carbon and Emlyn tells Emma about the diet of saber-toothed cats and dire wolves!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Dr. Mildred Dresselhaus
- Weil, Martin. “Mildred Dresselhaus, physicist dubbed ‘queen of carbon science,’ dies at 86.” Washington Post. 2017 https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/mildred-dresselhaus-physicist-dubbed-queen-of-carbon-dies-at-86/2017/02/22/3355d3a2-f8a7-11e6-be05-1a3817ac21a5_story.html?noredirect=on
- Mildred Dresselhaus Autobiography for the Kavli Prize. http://kavliprize.org/sites/default/files/%25nid%25/autobiagraphies_attachments/Mildred_Dresselhaus_Biography_0.pdf
- Anderson, Mark. “Mildred Dresselhaus: The Queen of Carbon.” IEEE Spectrum. 2015. https://spectrum.ieee.org/geek-life/profiles/mildred-dresselhaus-the-queen-of-carbon
- MILDRED DRESSELHAUS: An Interview Conducted by Kelsey Irvin, IEEE History Center, 11 July 2013. Interview # 650 for the IEEE History Center, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. https://ethw.org/Oral-History:Mildred_Dresselhaus
- Mildred Dresselhaus. The Franklin Institute. https://www.fi.edu/laureates/mildred-s-dresselhaus
- Angier, Natalie. “Carbon Catalyst for Half a Century.” The New York Times. 2012. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/03/science/carbon-catalyst-for-half-a-century.html
- MIT News Office. “Institute Professor Emerita Mildred Dresselhaus, a pioneer in the electronic properties of materials, dies at 86.” 2017. http://news.mit.edu/2017/institute-professor-emerita-mildred-dresselhaus-dies-86-0221
Women who Werk
- DeSantis et al 2019 Current biology paper: https://www.cell.com/current-biology/pdfExtended/S0960-9822(19)30786-9
- Science daily article: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/08/190805111913.htm
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
Emilio Segre Visual Archives/american Institute Of Physics
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Episode 039 - Frances Oldham Kelsey | Pharmacologist
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Alternate Title: The Drug Detective
Emlyn tells Emma about the FDA scientist, Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey, that kept the birth-defect causing drug, Thalidomide, off the shelves in the US, and Emma tells Emlyn about the *power* of vitamin supplements!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey
- Transcripts of Dr. Kelsey: https://www.fda.gov/media/89162/download
- "Frances Oldham Kelsey: Medical reviewer famous for averting a public health tragedy" : https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/virtual-exhibits-fda-history/frances-oldham-kelsey-medical-reviewer-famous-averting-public-health-tragedy
- "The Woman Who Stood Between America and a Generation of ‘Thalidomide Babies’" by Leila McNeill: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/woman-who-stood-between-america-and-epidemic-birth-defects-180963165/
- Wikipedia article about Frances Oldham Kelsey: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_Oldham_Kelsey
- "Frances Oldham Kelsey, Who Saved U.S. Babies From Thalidomide, Dies at 101" by Robert D. McFadden: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/08/science/frances-oldham-kelsey-fda-doctor-who-exposed-danger-of-thalidomide-dies-at-101.html?_r=0
- Biography of Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey: https://cfmedicine.nlm.nih.gov/physicians/biography_182.html
Women who Werk
Johns Hopkins Medicine. "Vast majority of dietary supplements don't improve heart health or put off death, study finds." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 16 July 2019. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/07/190716095529.htm
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
The White House
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Short Stories 1 - Sameera Moussa | Nuclear Physicist
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Alternate Title: Communist Cancers
This week we change up the format and talk about TWO historical women in science! Emlyn tells Emma about Dr. Yvonne Barr, who helped discover the first cancer-causing virus in humans, and Emma tells Emma about Dr. Sameera Moussa, an egyptian nuclear physicist who worked to make the medical use of nuclear technology affordable to all!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Story 1 - Dr. Yvonne Barr
- The Cancer Virus: The story of Epstein-Barr Virus. D.H. Crawford, A. Richinson, and I. Johnnessen. 2014. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK
- Video of Dr. Yvonne Barr for 50th anniversary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MXFUHBRQjo
- UK Cancer Research Institute, https://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2014/03/26/50-years-of-epstein-barr-virus/
- “Viral Causes of Lymphoma: The History of Epstein-Barr Virus and Human T-Lymphotropic Virus” by Daniel Esau, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5621661/pdf/10.1177_1178122X17731772.pdf
- Cancer virus discovery helped by delayed flight, https://www.bbc.com/news/health-26857610
Story 2 - Dr. Sameera Moussa
- Sameera Moussa by Ignite Global Fund for Women http://ignite.globalfundforwomen.org/be-the-spark/sameera-moussa
- Decou, Christopher. 2018. “This Week in Science: Sameera Moussa, the Egyptian Mother of Nuclear Energy.” https://medium.com/@ccdecou/week-science-history-sameera-moussa-egyptian-89cdc6312838
Further reading on gender equality issues in STEM:
- Old boy's club of 1989: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277539589800111
- Negative and marginalizing interactions limiting women's access to important resources: http://www.dl.begellhouse.com/journals/00551c876cc2f027,31a33a3e53bad464,08629c0a217631d5.html
- Sexism and microaggressions: https://journals.aps.org/prper/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.12.020119
- Research labs described as a “chilly place” for women: http://www.dl.begellhouse.com/journals/00551c876cc2f027,3d9029c134ca6690,734a6ef163b4eb9c.html
- Lack of female gatekeepers for research funding: https://www.ingenere.it/en/articles/gate-keeping-and-gender-challenge-science
- More ways in which STEM graduate environments disfavour women: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1179/0308018815Z.000000000112
- An article in science magazine about the issue: https://www.sciencemag.org/careers/2018/10/when-you-re-only-woman-challenges-female-phd-students-male-dominated-cohorts
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Episode 038 - Vera Rubin | Astronomer
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Alternate Title: The Dark Side of Matter
Emma tells Emlyn about the astronomer, Dr Vera Rubin, who found the best evidence of dark matter, and Emlyn tells Emma about research showing that male ecologists/zoologists rarely co-author papers with women!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Vera Rubin
- Interview of Vera Rubin by Alan Lightman on 1989 April 3, Niels Bohr Library & Archives, American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD USA. https://www.aip.org/history-programs/niels-bohr-library/oral-histories/33963
- Carnegie Science Staff Bio for Vera Rubin. http://dtm.carnegiescience.edu/people/vera-c-rubin
- Irion, R. (2002). The Bright Face behind the Dark Sides of Galaxies. Science, 295(5557), 960-961. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/3076066
- Overbye, Dennis (2016) “Vera Rubin, 88, Dies; Opened Doors in Astronomy, and for Women.” https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/27/science/vera-rubin-astronomist-who-made-the-case-for-dark-matter-dies-at-88.html?login=facebook
- Rubin, Vera C. (2011). An Interesting Voyage. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 49(1), 1-28. https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.1146/annurev-astro-081710-102545
Women who werk
Salerno, P. E., Páez-Vacas, M., Guayasamin, J. M. & Stynoski, J. L. Male principal investigators (almost) don’t publish with women in ecology and zoology. PLoS ONE 14, e0218598–14 (2019). https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0218598
“Work” by Rihanna
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
Carnegie Institution of Washington, via Associated Press
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Episode 037 - Rachel Carson | Marine Biologist & Environmentalist
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Alternate Title: Conservation Sensation!
Emlyn tells Emma about the marine biologist, writer, and environmentalist, Rachel Carson, and Emma tells Emlyn about a heck of a lot of boss ladies!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Rachel Carson
- Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Carson
- Women's History: https://www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/rachel-carson
- American Chemical Society: https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/rachel-carson-silent-spring.html
- Fire Ants Video: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:16-p-1402-2_Fire_Ants_on_Trial.webm
Women who werk
- Jess Wade was awarded the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire! https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/191453/imperial-academics-awarded-honours-queen/
- Xinzhu Wei and Rasmus Nielsen find that mutations in the CCR5 gene that make some people resistant to HIV may also reduce longevity. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-019-0459-6
- Olga Troyanskaya and a team of researchers develop a machine learning model that identified mutations in non-coding regions of the genome that are associated with autism. https://www.simonsfoundation.org/2019/05/27/autism-noncoding-mutations/
“Work” by Rihanna
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
Alfred Eisenstaedt/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
Monday May 27, 2019
Episode 036 - Alice Ball | Chemist
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Alternate Title: The BALLer method
Emma tells Emlyn about the chemist who found an effective treatment for leprosy, and Emlyn tells Emma about emotional contagion in ravens!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Alice Augusta Ball
- Brown, Jeannette. African American Women Chemists. Oxford University Press, 2012.
- UW School of Pharmacy. “UWSOP alumni legend Alice Ball, Class of 1914, solved leprosy therapy riddle.” 2017. https://sop.washington.edu/uwsop-alumni-legend-alice-ball-class-of-1914-solved-leprosy-riddle/
- Brewster, Carisa D. “How the Woman Who Found a Leprosy Treatment Was Almost Lost to History.” National Geographic. 2018. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/02/alice-ball-leprosy-hansens-disease-hawaii-womens-history-science/
Women who werk
- Adriaense, J. E. C., Martin, J. S., Schiestl, M., Lamm, C. & Bugnyar, T. Negative emotional contagion and cognitive bias in common ravens (Corvus corax). Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 201817066 (2019). https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2019/05/14/1817066116
- Ars Technica article by Scott K Johnson: https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/05/watching-a-hangry-friend-makes-a-raven-a-pessimist/
“Work” by Rihanna
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
University of Hawai’i
Monday May 13, 2019
Episode 035 - Isabella Aiona Abbott | Phycologist & Ethnobotanist
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
Alternate Title: Authoritarian Seaweed
Emlyn tells Emma about the Pacific phycologist and Hawaiian ethnobotanist, Dr. Isabella Aiona Abbott, and Emma tells Emlyn about the body mass index (BMI) of Marvel characters!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Isabella Aiona Abbott
- LONG STORY SHORT WITH LESLIE WILCOX. Isabella Aiona Abbott. https://www.pbshawaii.org/long-story-short-with-leslie-wilcox-isabella-aiona-abbott/
- Stanford News, Isabella Abbott, world-renowned Stanford algae expert, dies at 91” https://news.stanford.edu/news/2010/december/izzie-abbott-obit-120710.html
- “Pioneering professor is first lady of limu” by Jennifer Crites http://www.hawaii.edu/malamalama/2010/10/isabella-abbott/
- Isabella Aiona Abbott: 2001 Distinguished Economic Botanist: Interpreting Pre-Western Hawaiian Culture as an Ethnobotanist. (2002). Economic Botany, 56(1), 3-6. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/stable/4256514
- “Inspiration of Izzie” by Julie Packard https://www.huffpost.com/entry/inspiration-from-izzie_n_791382
- “A tribute to Isabella Aiona Abbott on the occasion of her 85th birthday. Happy Birthday Izzie!” by Huisman J.M. and Norris J.N. Cryptogamie, Algol., 2004, 25 (3): 219-239 https://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/id/eprint/23539/1/tribute%20to%20isabella%20abbott.pdf
Women who werk
1. Scientists find a possible biomarker for detecting CTE
- https://www.livescience.com/65434-cte-concussion-biomarker-tau.html
- https://n.neurology.org/content/early/2019/05/08/WNL.0000000000007608
2. Captain Dorito and the bombshell
- https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/05/190501153356.html
- https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Febs0000164
“Work” by Rihanna
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
Stanford University
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Episode 034 -Hedy Lamarr | Inventor
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Alternate Title: A-Hedy of Her Time
Emma tells Emlyn about the Hollywood star and inventor, Hedy Lamarr, and Emlyn tells Emma about the book, Invisible women! Apologies on this episode, we get excited, and there is quite a bit of audio distortion.
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Hedy Lamarr
- Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story. Directed by Alexandra Dean (2017).
- George, Alice. “Thank This World War II-Era Film Star for Your Wi-Fi.” Smithsonianmag.com. Aug. 4, 2019. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/thank-world-war-ii-era-film-star-your-wi-fi-180971584/
- Schearer, Steven M. Beautiful: The Life of Hedy Lamarr. Sept. 28, 2010. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=d4hLFzsNgKEC&oi=fnd&pg=PT4&dq=hedy+lamarr&ots=uZOGX1rctz&sig=kokzynKHFjilAy2HGANNJ9PphcQ#v=onepage&q&f=false
- Ouellette, Jennifer. Hop, Skip and a Jump: Remembering Hedy Lamarr. Jan. 9, 2012. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cocktail-party-physics/hop-skip-and-a-jump-remembering-hedy-lamar/
Women who werk
Caroline Criado Perez’s book entitled, “Invisible women: data bias in a world designed for men”.
“Work” by Rihanna
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
Zeitgeist Films
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Episode 033 - Marie Tharp | Cartographer & Oceanographer
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Alternate Title: Rift Valleys and Girl Talk
Emlyn tells Emma about the cartographer and oceanographer, Marie Tharp, who mapped the ocean floor and found evidence for continental drift, and Emma tells Emlyn about research on sex differences in spatial reasoning!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Marie Tharp
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute article, “Marie Tharp”: https://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=7500&tid=282&cid=23306
- “Marie Tharp - Plate Techtonics Pioneer” by Hali Felt: https://www.geosociety.org/gsatoday/archive/27/6/pdf/i1052-5173-27-6-32.pdf
- “Marie Tharp, The Woman Who Discovered The Backbone Of Earth” by David Bressan, Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbressan/2018/07/30/hundreds-missing-and-many-feared-dead-after-laos-dam-collapse/#2d5f9e17f91b
- “How One Brilliant Woman Mapped the Secrets of the Ocean Floor | Short Film Showcase” by National Geographic https://youtu.be/vE2FK0B7gPo
- Four facts about Marie Tharp, the woman whose art mapped the bottom of the sea by Cassie Freund: https://massivesci.com/articles/marie-tharp-bottom-ocean-maps/
Women who werk
Researchers Jillian E. Lauer, Eukyung Yhang, and Stella F. Lourenco describe the development of gender differences in spatial reasoning.
Journal article: https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2019-17809-001?doi=1
Summary: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/04/190411154728.htm
“Work” by Rihanna
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
“I’m on a boat” by Lonely Island
Cover Image
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Episode 032 - Annie Easley | Mathematician & Rocket Scientist
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Alternate Title: Easley Does it
Emma tells Emlyn about the NASA computer, mathematician, and rocket scientist, Annie Easley, and Emlyn tells Emma about the first female winner of the Abel Prize, Dr. Karen Uhlenbeck!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Annie J. Easley
- Interview of Annie J. Easley by Sandra Johnson, 2001, for the NASA Johnson Space Center Oral History Project. https://historycollection.jsc.nasa.gov/JSCHistoryPortal/history/oral_histories/NASA_HQ/Herstory/EasleyAJ/easleyaj.htm
- “Annie Easley, Computer Scientist” by Anne K. Mills. 2014. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/annie-easley-computer-scientist
- “The Trailblazing Human Computer Who Represented a New Age of Working Women” By Belle Hutton. 2018. http://www.anothermag.com/fashion-beauty/gallery/9695/annie-easley/4
Women who werk - Dr. Karen Uhlenbeck
- “Retired UT professor becomes first woman to win prestigious prize in mathematics” by Brenna Hinshaw. http://www.dailytexanonline.com/2019/03/25/retired-ut-professor-becomes-first-woman-to-win-prestigious-prize-in-mathematics
- “Karen Uhlenbeck, Uniter of Geometry and Analysis, Wins Abel Prize” by Erica Klarreich. https://www.quantamagazine.org/karen-uhlenbeck-uniter-of-geometry-and-analysis-wins-abel-prize-20190319/
- “Karen Uhlenbeck Is First Woman to Win Abel Prize for Mathematics” by https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/19/science/karen-uhlenbeck-abel-prize.html
“Work” by Rihanna
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Episode 031 - Florence Nightingale | Nurse
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Alternate Title: Lady with the Lamp (and Owlet)
Emlyn tells Emma about the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale, and Emma tells Emlyn about schoolgirl climate change warrior, Greta Thunberg.
WARNING: This episode gets nasty (i.e. war hospitals in the 1800s).
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Florence Nightingale
- “Florence Nightingale” by History Channel: https://www.history.com/topics/womens-history/florence-nightingale-1
- “Florence Nightingale: the Lady with the Lamp By” Mark Bostridge. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/victorians/nightingale_01.shtml#five
- Nightingale in Scutari: Her Legacy Reexamined by Christopher J. Gill and Gillian C. Gillhttps://academic.oup.com/cid/article/40/12/1799/314039
- "A history that lives on: Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole first met in the Crimea. Elizabeth Anionwu describes how they overcame personal battles to get there." by Anionwu, Elizabeth. http://link.galegroup.com.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/apps/doc/A270979329/HRCA?u=txshracd2598&sid=HRCA&xid=4378b9e3.
- Florence Nightingale, the Woman and her Legend, by Mark Bostridge
- Eight little-known facts about Florence Nightingale by the History Press https://www.thehistorypress.co.uk/articles/eight-little-known-facts-about-florence-nightingale/
- A Brief History of Sexy Nurses by Dan Gentile. https://www.thrillist.com/sex-dating/nation/history-of-the-sexy-nurse
Women who werk
Greta Thunberg, schoolgirl climate change warrior: ‘Some people can let things go. I can’t’ by Jonathan Watts (2019). https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/11/greta-thunberg-schoolgirl-climate-change-warrior-some-people-can-let-things-go-i-cant
“Work” by Rihanna
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
“The Fish Cheer / I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-To Die Rag” by Country Joe and The Fish
Cover Image
Wellcome Images
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Episode 030 - Zelia Nuttall | Anthropologist & Archeologist
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Alternate Title: Terracotta Heads and the Island of Sacrifices
Emma tells Emlyn about the American anthropologist and archeologist, Zelia Nuttall, who spent her life studying remnants of ancient Mexican civilizations, and Emlyn tells Emma about #MeTooSTEM founder, Dr. McLaughlin, and Project PHaEDRA!
PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwuYfCujp_voMx1I37E4MB1Tk_UbncK6z8Khn4DC683fV-3A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Main Story - Zelia Nuttall
- The Archaeologist Who Helped Mexico Find Glory in Its Indigenous Past. McNeil, Leila. Smithsonian.com. Nov 5, 2018. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/archaeologist-who-helped-mexico-find-glory-its-past-180970700/
- Ruiz, Carmen. Insiders and outsiders in Mexican archaeology (1890-1930). Diss. 2003. https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/handle/2152/905
- Zelia Nuttall: The Queen of Mexican Archeology https://www.rejectedprincesses.com/princesses/zelia-nuttall
- Tozzer, Alfred M. Zelia Nuttall. American Anthropologist 35.3 (1933): 475-482. https://anthrosource.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1525/aa.1933.35.3.02a00070
- Adams, Amanda. Ladies of the Field: Early Women Archaeologists and Their Search for Adventure.
Women who werk
Shoutout #1: Science article about Dr. McLaughlin. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/02/neuroscientist-fighting-sexual-harassment-science-her-own-job-peril
Shoutout #2: Project Phaedra. https://library.cfa.harvard.edu/project-phaedra
“Work” by Rihanna
“Mary Anning” by Artichoke
Cover Image: The Bancroft Library, University of California
Images of Terracotta Heads: https://archive.org/details/jstor-495843/page/n23